The Landmark System™ supports implant treatment from CT imaging to final prosthesis through the integration of digital data.
The Landmark System™ supports implant treatment from CT scan to final prosthesis through a single digital data stream. The LANDmarker® allows the doctor to examine and diagnose the implant and the Landmark Guide™ to perform the surgery. The Landmark Crown™ assists in the prosthetic area, including pre-diagnostic wax-up, interim prosthesis and final prosthesis.

Waxing up on the computer(CAD Xaw-up) *2,3
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Top-down simulation is possible with images that combine jawbone CT data with intraoral models and CAD wax-up data. *4
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Based on the simulation results, surgery is performed with a guide designed and manufactured by iLAND.
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CAD / CAM provisional Crown(for immediate load or for temporary use) can also be manufactured at the same time.
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Using the first CAD wax-up, CAD/CAM abutments and crowns were fabricated. *5
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*1:Any CT device can be used.
*2:On request, we can also provide handcrafted products such as wax-up and CT imaging templates.
*3:In the case of multiple tooth defects, CAD wax-up is also possible with the "occlusal bed" and "denture currently in use".
*4:LANDmarker® does not include automatic diagnostic functions or the ability to design and fabricate surgical guides by itself.
*5:Landmark Crown™ can also cooperate with your laboratory.